Spend a week immersed in the musical magic of Shetland

Shetland's fiddle tradition dates back hundreds of years with influences from across the North Atlantic. Lively reels, jigs, waltzes and slow airs have passed generation to generation, and are now recognised and played by traditional musicians across the world. Shetland Fiddle Week has been put together by two Shetland fiddlers, Jenna Reid and Lynda Anderson.
Shetland Fiddle Week offers a week of fiddle classes suitable for all abilities, teaching the unique Shetland fiddle style and tunes. Delivered in the beautiful Shetland Islands themselves, the week offers students a chance to absorb Shetland's musical culture and heritage and meet members of the thriving musical community. Concerts and sessions will also take place across the week.
Email us at hello@shetlandfiddleweek.com
Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom
View a year in Shetland, with soundtrack by the fantastic Fiddlers' Bid - a great Shetland band that tutor Andrew Gifford is a member of.
Shetland Fiddle Week LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in Scotland.
Registered number: SO307901
Registered address: Norton House, Glencaple. DG1 4RA.